Customized Diary


             Customizable Diary           

In A World Full of Social Media and Screens, Preserve an Aesthetic

Everybody deserves a best friend. Gift somebody something they can always hold on to. A gift isn’t just a piece of material, it is a translation of your emotions for a person. Diaries are something that will never go out of style because they create their own vibe. If they keep to themselves a lot, let them know you’re always there for them.

In a world where everything is going paperless and electric, the feeling of writing on paper will always be precious. Ever since the lockdown restricted us, traveling has started to feel like a luxury. Our diaries are the perfect travel companions – write your most treasured moments, stick your precious polaroids, write down the phone numbers of the amazing people you meet on your journey. When you just want someone to listen to or when your feelings overwhelm you, our diaries will be there. Need someone to take note of corporate numbers and statistics and pointers? We’ve got it covered.

These diaries are the perfect gifts for your corporate workers, you social butterfly friends, you gossiping aunties, your drinking buddies, your faraway friends, your perfect spouses, your bitter-sweet siblings, parents, grandparents, boyfriends, girlfriends and even yourself.

If someone is special to you, that makes them special to us too. Our artists take pride in creating your gifts. We here at Gifts Gallery make all our products with love and care. When you entrust us with your confidence, it is our responsibility to deliver these gifts to the best of our abilities.  

If you want to let someone know how special they are, gift them something they’ll hold close forever. Our diaries come in multiple colors and charms. Inscribe your special person’s name on a beautiful metallic disc and choose a charm to go with it. The matte faux leather texture enhances the overall aesthetic of the diary making it look antique and charming. Show them how much you love them by being with them even if you’re not actually with them.

To order these customizable diaries visit



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